Laser Hair Removal Edmonton

Achieve smooth, hair-free skin with our advanced laser hair removal treatments in Edmonton, designed to provide long-lasting results. Our expert dermatologists use state-of-the-art technology to ensure safe, effective, and comfortable hair removal for all skin types.

Laser hair removal is the most common laser treatment requested and performed for both men and women. It leads to permanent hair reduction and is the preferred treatment for people who don’t want to continue to shave, wax or pluck hairs on a regular basis. At VIDA Dermatology, we are able to remove unwanted hair anywhere on the face or body. Depending on the size of the area being treated, most areas of concern can be completed in approximately 6-8 treatments. Using our advance laser hair removal system, the treatments are extremely comfortable and virtually pain-free. Book in for this treatment with our team today!


Indications for Treatment

Unwanted or excess hair, ingrown hairs

VIDA Dermatology