Therapy (PDT)

Photodynamic therapy is proven to be a highly effective treatment for actinic keratoses (pre-cancerous skin lesions). PDT provides a “field treatment” treating clinically evident as well as subclinical lesions that are under the surface before they grow larger. As such, this treatment is a good proactive and preventative treatment before larger pre-cancerous lesions or skin cancers arise.

At VIDA Dermatology, PDT treatments begin with our nurses applying a topical photosensitizer (a liquid solution or cream prescription medication known as Levulan or Metvix) to the area being treated, incubating or waiting a period of 60-90 minutes until the medication is absorbed into the skin and then being placed under the appropriate light devices to activate the photosensitizer on the skin.

PDT treatments are a non-invasive treatment, which is well tolerated with minimal downtime. The photosensitizers combined with the light device leads to elimination or peeling off of the pre-cancerous or damaged skin cells on the area being treated. The end result is much improved quality and appearance of the skin. Fortunately, PDT treatments are currently 100% covered (free for patients) by Alberta Health Care. Only the prescription photosensitizer medication requires purchasing and may be fully covered by your private insurance plan.


Indications for Treatment

Ask your doctor for a referral to our Dermatologists to see if this treatment is the right choice for you.

VIDA Dermatology