Things to Know Before Considering Mole Removal

August 19, 2022

What Are Moles?

Moles are common skin growths that can appear on the face and/or body. Almost everyone will have moles develop throughout their lives. Some individuals may want to remove their moles as it is growing, irritating, or cosmetically bothersome. For those considering mole removal options, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Some Moles Can Be Dangerous

Even though most mole removal procedures are done for cosmetic reasons, depending on the mole’s size, shape and colour, some may potentially be pre-cancerous or even cancerous. If you are wondering if your mole is potentially malignant or concerning from a medical point of view, it is best to get it checked by a Board-Certified Dermatologist. Some common signs to look out for are:

  • Asymmetry (one side different from the other)
  • Borders (irregular)
  • Colour (multiple)
  • Diameter (6mm or more)
  • Evolving (growing quickly over a short period of time)

Known as the “ABCDE” rule, any of the abnormalities listed above should prompt you to see your Dermatologist for further assessment.

Mole Removal Procedures

There are a few different mole removal procedures.  These include:

Complete Excision

This procedure excises the surface mole and any deeper ‘roots’ so that the mole is far less likely to ever come back. Stitches will be placed for a few days and it heals over very well.

Shave Excision

The mole is shaved flush with the skin surface. This option is good for moles that are catching or rubbing on clothing.

Laser/Light Electrodessication

The mole is removed at the surface using a CO2 laser or light electrodessication. This option heals very well.

Mole Removal Post-care

After your mole removal procedure, it is important to avoid direct sun exposure on the area, and make sure to keep the area clean to avoid developing any infections. Post-care instructions will be provided to you from our nursing team. Silicone-based scar gels can also provide benefit in optimizing healing and minimizing scars.


In summary, getting a mole removed is a relatively quick and minimally invasive procedure. Patient satisfaction is high and the specific procedure performed will depend on the patient goals, patient factors (previous keloid scars, etc), and specific face or body location in which the mole removal is sought. In light of these points, getting mole removal is best done by a Dermatologist. For mole removal in Edmonton, visit VIDA Dermatology and be assessed and by our Board-Certified Dermatologist, to discuss the best mole removal procedure for you.