Why Acne Gets Worse in the Summer

July 4, 2022


Acne is the term used to describe the development of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts. It is one of the most common skin conditions. Acne most commonly affects the face and neck, but it can also affect the shoulders, back and upper arms. It is most common in teenagers but affects people of all ages. When pores become clogged by dirt, dead skin cells and sebum, it leads to acne and breakouts.

Why Do Acne Breakouts Get Worse in Summer?

If your breakouts seem to get worse in the summer, you are not alone. Although sun exposure itself does not worsen acne, increased sweating during the summer months increases oil production, and can clog pores contributing to worsening acne breakouts.

How Can You Prevent Summer Acne?

There are a few preventative measures you can take if you suffer from breakouts during the summer:

Wash Twice a Day and After Sweating

Sweating can make acne worse, so wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating.

Avoid Heavy Cleansers or Creams

The products you use during the winter months to combat dry skin might not be right for summer. Look for lighter, water based options to help prevent clogged pores. Also, use products that are oil free to avoid triggering a breakout.

Choose Natural Fibers

Sweat can get caught in fabrics contributing to further breakouts. Wear breathable fabrics like cotton when possible to keep skin cool and comfortable. You should also change into dry clothing after swimming.

Consult a Dermatologist If Your Acne Persists

If your acne leading to larger cysts, scarring or affecting your emotional well being (ie. feeling embarrassed or depressed), it is time to speak with a Dermatologist. You can contact Vida Dermatology if you are looking for advice or treatments regarding your acne or skin care needs.