Why Chemical Peels Can Be an Important Part of Your Regular Skin Maintenance

July 15, 2022

Regular Skin MaintenanceChemical peels can play an integral role in optimizing your skin’s health and it is one of our most popular procedures. Chemical peels offer a nonsurgical option for treating many skin concerns and help reclaim newer, fresher skin. They are a powerful tool to include in your regular skincare regimen. Read further to know more about the importance of chemical peels.

What are Chemical Peels?

A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure that helps reduce the signs of skin aging, treat scars or discoloration, and can even treat pre-cancerous skin lesions. Chemical peels involve applying an acidic chemical to the skin. The acid in the peel changes the PH of the skin, which results in a deep exfoliation of the tops layers of skin. Skin grow back healthier and smoother with minimized pores, reduced wrinkles, and improved appearance of scars and skin texture.

What Conditions Are Treated by a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels come in a variety of acids and strengths. Whether you are targeting precancerous lesions, acne, pigmentation, scarring, fine lines, or just want a healthy glow, you can improve the look and feel of your skin with a chemical peel. Please make sure to consult with a Dermatologist to ensure the safest and most appropriate option for you.

Why Should Chemical Peels Be an Important Part of Your Regular Skincare Routine?

Increases the Effectiveness of Your Skincare Products

Shedding your skin’s outermost layer signals underlying skin cells to multiply and migrate to the surface. Your body also increases collagen production, which improves your skin’s elasticity. The reaction also boosts natural hyaluronic acid production. As a result, your skin appears and feels younger.

Reduces Sun Damage

Up to 80 percent of visible aging is caused by exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, leading to hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and photodamage on your skin, causing some patches of skin to appear darker than others. A mild chemical peel can help heal sun spots, freckles, and other pigmentation issues. However, the extent to which dark spots are reduced depends on the concentration and type of peel used and the severity of the dark spots.

Treats Melasma

Melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation disorder that often occurs in women, between ages 20-40 and in those with slightly darker skin tones. Many patients use sunblock and topical lightenting agents to treat their melasma. Other patients have discovered that a chemical peel can be very effective to treat this condition. A chemical peel in combination with a lightening regimen will allow your topical products to penetrate better and work much more effectively. If you’re experiencing an increase in pigmentation issues, consider a chemical peel to more effectively treat dark spots and photodamage.

Removes Acne Scars

If you’re trying to make your acne scars disappear, a chemical peel might seem like a good way to banish those annoying reminders of past pimples and cysts. Professional medium and deep peels work best to help resurface the skin, smooth scarring, and lighten dark spots. But chemical peels will be more effective for those with lighter skin tones and deep acne scars. Some chemical peels can also be used as a treatment to prevent acne breakouts and treat acne flares. They also aid in the reduction of scarring caused by skin blemishes. Chemical peels unclog pores and remove blackheads from the skin’s surface. At the same time, they effectively exfoliate the outer layers of the skin to improve deep acne scars.

A chemical peel is a quick and easy treatment that can be done as a regular part of your skin care regime. You can contact Vida Dermatology to determine the chemical peel that is right for you. We have an experienced team of Dermatology experts who can answer all your questions and provide the best treatment possible.