Acne Management

Innovative Therapies and Regimens for Acne Management: A Comprehensive Review.

June 13, 2023

As a dermatological conundrum that afflicts millions worldwide, acne vulgaris presents unique challenges to clinicians and researchers alike. Despite the plethora of existing treatments, the persistent prevalence of this condition underlines the necessity of understanding and leveraging an array of therapeutic approaches. Let’s explore some of the leading treatment modalities, including microdermabrasion, chemical peels, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), an optimal skincare regimen, and expert intervention from a dermatologist.

Microdermabrasion: One of the popular treatments for acne, it is a non-invasive technique that exfoliates the skin’s surface layer. Using a device that disperses micro-crystals onto the skin enables removing dead skin cells while unclogging pores, diminishing the appearance of acne lesions and improving skin texture. Although relatively safe, transient erythema and dryness are common side effects. In patients with active inflammatory acne, microdermabrasion could potentially exacerbate the condition and thus is typically not recommended.

Chemical Peels: Chemical peeling is another critical player in the arsenal against acne. Comprising an application of a chemical solution (commonly alpha and beta hydroxy acids), chemical peels induce controlled destruction of the epidermis, encouraging cellular turnover and facilitating the unblocking of sebaceous follicles. Peels are also known to exert anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects, further reducing acne lesions. Various concentrations and types of peels are available, and the choice depends on the patient’s skin type, severity of acne, and tolerability.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): In contrast to ablative therapies, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) uses a broad spectrum of light wavelengths to target acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. IPL therapy facilitates bacterial death, reduces sebaceous gland activity, and mitigates acne inflammation by acting on porphyrins produced by Propionibacterium acnes. Although IPL is generally well-tolerated, potential adverse effects may include transient pain, erythema, and pigmentary changes.

Optimal Skincare Regimen: The cornerstone of acne management lies in maintaining an appropriate skincare regimen. This encompasses the use of gentle, non-comedogenic cleansers, appropriate moisturizers, and regular use of sunscreen. Topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and azelaic acid form the mainstay of acne treatment in monotherapy or combination therapy. Educating patients about the importance of consistency and patience in treatment response is crucial in acne management.

Dermatological Interventions: In severe cases of acne, dermatological intervention is indispensable. Systemic therapies such as oral antibiotics, hormonal therapies, or isotretinoin may be necessary. Some procedures like intralesional steroid injections for large cystic lesions or light and laser therapies can be considered. These interventions, however, should be performed under the strict supervision of a qualified dermatologist.


The successful management of acne involves a comprehensive, tailored approach that incorporates multiple modalities and a dedicated skincare regimen. As dermatology practitioners, we must stay abreast of the latest research, maintain our expertise in these treatment modalities, and educate our patients about realistic expectations and adherence to treatment plans.

If you are seeking expert dermatological care, we recommend Vida Dermatology. Our team of certified dermatologists is well-versed in various treatments, from microdermabrasion and chemical peels to Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy and personalized skincare regimens.

At Vida Dermatology, we emphasize a patient-centred approach, treating acne based on its unique characteristics and each patient’s individual needs. Our focus is to treat active lesions and manage long-term implications such as scarring and hyperpigmentation, thereby holistically managing the spectrum of acne manifestations.

We invite you to learn more about our clinic’s cutting-edge acne treatment options. Our dermatologists are ready to guide you through the most suitable and effective therapies for your acne, and our well-equipped clinic ensures a safe and comfortable treatment journey. Whether you are dealing with mild, moderate, or severe acne, we aim to help you achieve clearer, healthier skin.

Contact Vida Dermatology today to schedule an appointment. Step into a world of transformative skincare solutions and discover the impact of evidence-based, personalized dermatology treatments.